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  • jeanlys1

The Wedding Guest Book

A wedding day is a day or two of festivity what remains for the rest of your life for you and your partner are wedding souvenirs like The Wedding Guest Book. Your wedding guest book can serve all kinds of purposes like getting in marriage advices, your guests sharing stories about you as a couple or individuals – all in all it would be something you can treasure for the rest of your life. Here are some non-traditional wedding guest book ideas

Wishing tree

You can have a small decorative tree and keep little paper chits for your guests to write messages and tie them to the branches using ribbons. It is not only a unique idea but also can be a decorative center piece for instance for your wedding venue entrance


Place a type-writer on the side table or in the entrance. The guests can type in personalized notes that you can later save and frame some even!


Place a letterbox and have envelops where the guests can write their messages, advices or memories with you and drop in the letterbox. It is not only a unique idea but a lot of people would be tempted to just write a message as a reminder of the good old letter writing days!

Guestbook puzzle

Order in a wooden puzzle! Have fancy markers and get your guests to write down a message on jigsaw piece, in the end it all fits together and you have a perfect memoir from your wedding day.

Fingerprint tree/ peacock

Hey, who says wedding needs to be all fancy and no mess? Well get a tree painted/ printed or a peacock and have your guests stamp their fingers on the branches and the peacock wings! You can get them to sign over their finger prints to remember.

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